cfru 93.3fm Campus and Community Radio in Guelph

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Click play on the archives to hear actual programs and spots from unknown eras! 

If you can place a particular archive in time, please send us a message at

 You can also select a decade at the bottom of the page to find more recordings, images and ephemera from that era.

Because this is a living, ongoing project, we’ll be adding more content to every page, presumably forever.  So visit often, and enjoy!

Featured Archives

Geordie Gordon and Besheak Jackabhn – Elementary Art Exhibition:

Nigerian Book Drive Interview:

Marcus Garvey Day (Excerpt):

Ross Bolton (Carousel Editor) Poetry Reading (1980s):

Phil Allt (Grateful Dead) Interview on Radio OPIRG:

Out To Lunch, Auntie Bees Knees, Colleen Sexton, News:

Radio Dramas – Cheese, Train, Man:

Feminist Frequencies Show Promo (1980s):

Maude Barlow Talk Part 1:

Maude Barlow Talk Part 2: